Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Kilmainham Jail, Dublin

On one of my last days in Dublin I went to Kilmainham jail. This is the jail that most Irish revolutionaries, from 1798 on, spent time in, and most died in.

Hangings took place above the main door, where they could be seen by everyone. 

This wing was added during the Victorian era, offering a lot of light, but keeping the prisoners isolated from each other, and in silence.

A view inside one of the cells

Many of the cells have the names of famous prisoners who were incarcerated in them.

Eamon de Valera's cell is on the left.

Crosses mark the execution sites of the 1916 rebels.

Daniel Curley was put to death for his role as one of "The Invincibles" who assassinated the newly-appointed Chief Secretary  for Ireland and the permanent Undersecretary in Phoenix Park, Dublin, in 1882. I haven't figured out yet if he is related.

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